Cyber shadow ninja

A futuristic, shadowy figure taking on the guise of a ninja, decked out in cybernetic gear. The figure is positioned in a battle-ready stance, weapons gleaming ominously under the minimal light. The image should have a distinct, stylized approach akin to traditional Japanese Manga. Incorporate elements of sci-fi, including technologies that blur the line between human and machine, giving the figure an otherworldly, yet human feel.

A futuristic, shadowy figure taking on the guise of a ninja, decked out in cybernetic gear. The figure is positioned in a battle-ready stance, weapons gleaming ominously under the minimal light. The image should have a distinct, stylized approach akin to traditional Japanese Manga. Incorporate elements of sci-fi, including technologies that blur the line between human and machine, giving the figure an otherworldly, yet human feel.

Cyber shadow ninja

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