A mystical shaman with spirit animals, in an enchanted forest.

Imagine a mystical shaman in the heart of an enchanted forest. This wise person, characterized by their South Asian descent and feminine gender, stands adorned in robes interwoven with foliage and bark, embodying nature in their attire. Their eyes, glowing faintly in various shades of the forest's luminescence, hold a depth of wisdom beyond human understanding. Accompanying them are their spirit animals; a majestic stag, a swift hare and a wise owl, wreathed in ethereal energy. This digital work captures the surreal splendors of nature and spiritual energy harmoniously combined.

Imagine a mystical shaman in the heart of an enchanted forest. This wise person, characterized by their South Asian descent and feminine gender, stands adorned in robes interwoven with foliage and bark, embodying nature in their attire. Their eyes, glowing faintly in various shades of the forest's luminescence, hold a depth of wisdom beyond human understanding. Accompanying them are their spirit animals; a majestic stag, a swift hare and a wise owl, wreathed in ethereal energy. This digital work captures the surreal splendors of nature and spiritual energy harmoniously combined.

A mystical shaman with spirit animals, in an enchanted forest.

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